Serie 1 |
Nilder Diego Armas Tanger | Institución Educativa I.P.S Rosa Agustina Donayre De Morey | 4 | 53.23 | 1 |
Fabrizzio Adrian Padilla Cortez | Atletismo La Molina | 6 | 54.90 | 2 |
Guillermo Balvin Mendoza | Alborada Track and Field | 7 | 55.25 | 3 |
Christian Thorsen Villegas | Atletismo La Molina | 8 | 55.32 | 4 |
David Augusto Iglesisas Edery | Asociación Deportiva Team Valiente | 3 | DNS | |
Rodrigo Moises Patiño Perea | Academia de Barranco | 5 | DNS | |
Serie 2 |
Adrian Leyder Tello Guevara | Costa Verde | 7 | 52.51 | 1 |
Freddy Ruiz Apagueño | Team Chile | 4 | 58.14 | 2 |
Alexander Mesias Suarez Silvestre | Asociación Deportiva Team Valiente | 3 | DNS | |
Sebastián Enrique Romero Barrientos | Atletismo La Molina | 5 | DNS | |
Ricardo Landeo Manrique | Alborada Track and Field | 6 | DNS | |
Rey Alejandro Azocar Villegas | Atletismo La Molina | 8 | DNS | |
Serie 3 |
Luis Sanchez Carreño | Team Chile | 4 | 52.45 | 1 |
Marco Sergio Málaga Mayorga | Atletismo La Molina | 5 | 54.32 | 2 |
Manuel Miguel Jara Morales | Academia de Barranco | 7 | 55.41 | 3 |
Gonzalo Cartagena Estremadoyro | Marcon Athletic Club | 3 | 56.04 | 4 |
Fabrizio Sebastian Marin | Marcon Athletic Club | 6 | 56.79 | 5 |
Clasificación final |
Luis Sanchez Carreño | Team Chile | 4 | 52.45 | 1 |
Adrian Leyder Tello Guevara | Costa Verde | 7 | 52.51 | 1 |
Nilder Diego Armas Tanger | Institución Educativa I.P.S Rosa Agustina Donayre De Morey | 4 | 53.23 | 1 |
Marco Sergio Málaga Mayorga | Atletismo La Molina | 5 | 54.32 | 2 |
Fabrizzio Adrian Padilla Cortez | Atletismo La Molina | 6 | 54.90 | 2 |
Freddy Ruiz Apagueño | Team Chile | 4 | 58.14 | 2 |
Guillermo Balvin Mendoza | Alborada Track and Field | 7 | 55.25 | 3 |
Manuel Miguel Jara Morales | Academia de Barranco | 7 | 55.41 | 3 |